Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Carrots and Corn

Here is the full view of my carrots and corn.  The carrots have really taken off.

Beans and Cantaloupe

My beans are running up the netting and my cantaloupe are growing well.  I over planted my melons,there should only be one per two squares.  Oh well, we will see what happens.  I may pull a couple in another week or so.
Here are some blooms on my pepper plants.
It's May 1st, the garden is doing really well.  Here are some pictures of my lettuce garden, the plants in the front right are egg plant.  I planted them in the squares that had radish in them. All the radish has been harvested. I really planted way to much lettuce.  Can't keep up!

Corn and Wind don't mix

We had a pretty big storm come through last night and the wind has been blowing like crazy today.  My oldest corn plants are doing ok, it's my small ones that have almost blown out of the ground.  I should have let them grow through some chicken wire.