Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Vertical Frame is Complete

I built my first vertical frame today.  It was really easy and cost me 15 bucks.  For some reason my poles are not 5' tall but about an inch shorter. Guess I cut it wrong.
I've decided to plant my cantaloupe on the west side of my 4x4 and will plant my tomatoes on the north side.  Thinking about getting some tomato cages instead on another vertical frame.  SFG says that you plant melons one every two square feet.  I'm going to do that, but I am also going to plant some pole beans in the other squares to grow up the frame.  Hope it doesn't screw with either plant.  We shall see.

Gardening is Fun!

Having a really good week with the SFG.  We have had rain here in the Tulsa area for 5 or six straight days, it all started right after I planted the salad garden, corn, carrots.  Was worried the seeds would wash away, but things are looking good.

I'm very surprised by my radish.  They are growing like crazy.  I don't really think anyone in my family likes radish, but it looks like we will have a lot to try.  Don't know if you can tell or not, but there are 16 radish per square foot and I planted 2 sq. feet.  Looks like all the seeds sprouted.  My lettuce is looking good too.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Planted Seeds Outside

As you can read from my last couple of posts, my seed starting adventure did not turn out so well.  The weather has been great here in Oklahoma, and I'm sure we are past the last freeze so I decided to plant all of my salad seeds in one of my SFG's.   I have five different lettuce, spinach, and radish planted in the plots.  There are 4 plants in each square except for the two spinach which have 9 plants in each and there are 16 radish plants in two squares.  A few of my pepper plants survived my mold funk problem so I put one of each kind in my four left over squares.

I'm soaking my corn and bean seeds right now and will plant them later today.  Planning on 36 corn stalks and I'm going to plant 12 today, and then 12 more in two weeks then another 12 two weeks after that.

Hope these turn out better than my first batch indoors!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seed Failure!

For some reason my poor little seedlings failed.  I lost almost all of them.  They got some weird looking fuzz on them and just died.  I'm a little bummed, but will try again next year.  On a happier note, I took my remaining seeds and planted them in the actual garden!  In one of my SFG boxes, I planted 6 different types of lettuce, spinach, radish and green onions.

Most of my pepper plants survived the fuzz attack.  I've got them outside breaking them in.  I'm determined to get at least a couple of plants growing from seed I started inside.  As for the other veggies, going to the greenhouse and purchase plants already started.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Most of my seedlings have died. I still have all of my different pepper plants, but all the leafy veggies, tomatoes and eggplant died.  I'll try again next year.  I'm going to purchase tomato eggplant and some other veggies already started in a week or so.   I did purchase some new lettuce seeds today and will plant them right in the garden and hope for the best.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Going Down Fast

Not exactly sure where I went wrong, but all of my seedlings seem to be dying.  I have some serious fuzz/mold on most of the plants.  I think I may have taken them out of the vermiculite to soon.  The plants I left in the vermiculite are still growing like crazy and look really good. I think I may have watered too much.  I'm letting them dry out a little and see if they come back.  If not, I still have seeds left and will plant my lettuce/swiss chard in the actual garden and see if they grow.  The pepper plants seem to be doing ok and all my herbs are doing well.  Tomato, eggplant and lettuce are not.